Alistair Lexden hails a remarkable contribution to women’s history 5th January 2015 Six well-known women writers who studied at Newnham College, Cambridge have combined to produce an outstanding collection of miniature biographies of six... ArticlesRecent News
Alistair Lexden deplores delay in settling new arrangements for English laws 2nd January 2015 How is legislation that applies to England alone to be dealt with by Parliament? The government recently published a White Paper which sets out a number of... Recent NewsArticles
Alistair Lexden raises some key issues about the role of ministerial special advisers 24th December 2014 The news on December 19 that the Home Secretary’s two special advisers had been removed from the Conservative Party’s official candidates’ list stirred a great... Recent NewsArticles
Alistair Lexden recalls the antics of Winston Churchill’s budgie 20th December 2014 After his return to Downing Street in 1951, Churchill had a pet budgie, called Toby, who was thoroughly spoilt by his master. Alistair Lexden provided a little... ArticlesRecent News
Alistair Lexden underlines his commitment to Northern Ireland 18th December 2014 The Lords all-party Select Committee on the Constitution is beginning an inquiry into the relations between the devolved administrations and Westminster. Recent News
Alistair Lexden reminds their Lordships that a dog is not just for Christmas 17th December 2014 At the penultimate Lords oral question time before Christmas on December 16, he looked back wistfully at the long period when English dogs had to have a licence... Recent News
Lord Lexden and his Constitution Committee colleagues publish report on the Lord Chancellorship 15th December 2014 Alistair Lexden has been a member of the Lords all-party Select Committee on the Constitution since 2012. The Committee began a detailed inquiry into the office... Recent News
Lord Lexden challenges the Commonwealth on human rights 12th December 2014 On December 11 the Lords held a debate on AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. Having spoken a few days earlier on tuberculosis, Alistair Lexden concentrated on HIV/... Recent NewsSpeeches
Lord Lexden urges the government to maintain its spending on health research and development 9th December 2014 AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis are the three great killer diseases in the world today. Government spending is vital in the search for new drugs that will combat... SpeechesRecent News