Queen Victoria and Florence Nightingale 10th February 2020 A report appeared in The Daily Telegraph on February 3 about an exhibition marking the 200th anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth. It will concentrate on... Articles
Gross police errors - unredressed 6th February 2020 The Metropolitan Police brought grave discredit on themselves by the utterly irresponsible manner in which they investigated allegations of child sex abuse... Speeches
He never said it: Disraeli and One Nation 6th February 2020 Over and over again journalists and others attribute the phrase “one nation” to Disraeli. It is one of the most widespread of all the historical errors that are... Recent News
Eating disorders and schools 5th February 2020 Eating disorders are cruel diseases caused by mental health problems. On 4 February, a Liberal Democrat peer, Baroness Parminter, introduced a debate on this... Speeches
Are independent schools barriers to social mobility? 30th January 2020 It is a stock in trade of those on the political left that independent schools entrench the privileges of the few at the expense of everyone else. Alistair... Articles
State and independent schools working together on sport 28th January 2020 It is well-known that most of our country’s top athletes come from independent schools where no more than seven per cent of children are educated (though rising... Recent News
The man who enriched - and robbed - the Tories 27th January 2020 Every age has its crooks and knaves in business and in politics. Some are better known than others. Few will have heard of Horace Farquhar, the subject of this... Articles
Boost for bill to protect sibling couples 20th January 2020 Alistair Lexden’s new Bill, introduced into the Lords on 14 January (see below), has been welcomed not just by sibling couples themselves, but by tax and... Recent News
Another Duke of Sussex who went his own way 16th January 2020 There have been a number of Dukes of Sussex over the centuries. Prince Harry’s most recent predecessor was George III’s sixth son who lived from 1773 until 1843... Articles