Churchill defeats the historians 20th August 2021 Around a thousand books have been written about him, and yet Churchill still lacks a really satisfactory biography. That is partly because his life had so many... Articles
Stop knocking independent schools 13th August 2021 When this year’s A-level results were published on 10 August, the success of independent schools was greeted sourly in the Daily Mail. ‘Fury over Grade Gap’, it... Articles
Sir Henry Wilson: the MP the IRA assassinated - and the Commons forgot 9th August 2021 There are memorial shields in the House of Commons commemorating MPs who have been killed in action or by terrorists. One is missing. A campaign has been... Articles
Our first Olympic medal-winner 9th August 2021 As the Olympic Games in Tokyo ended after many memorable British successes, Alistair Lexden recalled the very first medals won for Britain in the modern Games... Articles
A famous historian with a remarkable sex life 6th August 2021 One of the most widely read historians of his time, Arthur Bryant, continued to write successful books in old age, and to enjoy a very active sex life with a... Articles
Getting more young people registered to vote 22nd July 2021 We need more of our young people on the electoral registers, ready to cast their votes at general elections. If they are not fully involved, the outcome of... Speeches
On this day, 22nd July, 180 years ago - Sir Robert Peel's great election victory 22nd July 2021 Politics proceeded at a leisurely pace in the first eight months of 1841. That suited the lethargic Whig government under Lord Melbourne, whose chief... Articles
Playing pass the parcel with a dead statesman's reputation 16th July 2021 It is often necessary to return to serious issues several times in order to drive home their importance. A week after reminding the House of Lords on 8 July of... Speeches
British victories in Afghanistan 16th July 2021 Britain’s largely successful record in dealing with Afghanistan during the time of empire is today little known. It is summarised in the following letter, which... Articles