Lord Lexden explains how Jacobitism helped to destroy the Tory Party 300 years ago 10th October 2014 At the Carlton Club on October 9, Alistair Lexden delivered the second of three addresses to mark the tercentenary of the Hanoverian succession and its impact... Recent News
Lord Lexden reviews a brilliant new life of the Kaiser 24th September 2014 John Röhl, Emeritus Professor of History at Sussex University, has won lavish and well-deserved praise for his three-volume biography of the Kaiser which runs... Recent News
Lord Lexden addresses Carlton Club history evening on the anniversary of George I’s arrival 300 years ago 18th September 2014 On 18 September Alistair Lexden, official historian of the Carlton Club, spoke at a special history evening held at the Club to mark the tercentenary of the... Recent News
Scotland should say Yes to a new & positive relationship with the UK 9th September 2014 Ask Scotland "to say Yes to a new and positive relationship with the rest of the UK", says Lord Lexden. ArticlesRecent News
The Speaker and the clerk of the Commons 22nd August 2014 In his book, Who Goes Home? Sir Robert Rogers, outgoing clerk of the House engaged in combat with Mr Bercow, cites a 1313 statute banning armour from both... ArticlesRecent News
Lord Lexden brings out a new edition of his popular short history of the Conservatives 11th August 2014 Who coined the phrase “one nation”? (The answer is not Disraeli.) Who gave women the vote on the same terms as men? Which Tory minister got 300,000 new homes... Recent News
Royal Yacht 8th August 2014 The future Edward VII dominated Cowes week in the early 1890s through his prowess in sailing the first Britannia which later passed to his son (" Britannia to... ArticlesRecent News
The Lords Farce 31st July 2014 There is even more to the bizarre story of Baroness Stowell , the first Lords Leader without a Cabinet seat, and the Chancellorship of the Duchy of Lancaster... ArticlesRecent News
Lord Lexden suggests ways of resolving a serious constitutional issue in the Lords 31st July 2014 The ministerial reshuffle which took place July 22 left the House of Lords unrepresented in the cabinet for the first time in its history, creating a widespread... Recent News