Two future kings and their mistresses 6th October 2023 The two future Kings were Edward VIII and his brother who succeeded him after the 1936 abdication, George VI. The mistresses were both upper-class women: Mrs... Articles
The 1922 Committee: Past and present 4th October 2023 In the year of the Committee’s centenary, a fine account of its evolution and its role today has been written by Philip Norton, Professor Lord Norton of Louth... Articles
It's time to revise the Conservative leadership election rules 20th September 2023 What happened last October when Liz Truss resigned underlines the need to look again at the rules under which a Tory leader is elected, as Alistair Lexden... Articles
The greatest Irish leader of the 19th Century 13th September 2023 That is how Charles Stewart Parnell is—rightly—described in a new book by the leading Irish historian, Paul Bew. Alistair Lexden ‘s review of the book... Articles
Braverman problems 1st September 2023 The following letter was published in The New Statesman on 1 September, with one or two editorial cuts. Suella Braverman, the only person ever to go back to the... Articles
A great bishop freed from injustice 26th August 2023 Many people campaigned to get Archbishop Welby to admit that he was wrong when he accepted in 2015 that Bishop George Bell, a towering figure in Christian... Articles
Sir Keith Park: Battling for Britain 20th August 2023 Alistair Lexden paid tribute to Air Chief Marshal Sir Keith Park (1892-1975), a hero of the Second World War, in a letter published in The Sunday Telegraph on... Articles
How Stanley Baldwin lost the premiership a few months after achieving it, 100 years ago 9th August 2023 A snap general election, which destroyed a secure Conservative Government and brought the Labour party to power for the first time, took place on 6 December... Articles
How Archbishop Laud ended canine profanities 26th July 2023 Reference was made in a letter in The Daily Telegraph to the action taken by Archbishop William Laud (1573-1645) to control dogs in churches. Alistair Lexden... Articles