Honour and dishonour 7th April 2021 A very small proportion of those who receive honours from the Queen subsequently bring disgrace upon themselves, and forfeit the distinctions that have been... Articles
A drubbing for Justin Welby 6th April 2021 One of the many sad and sorry features of Justin Welby’s time as Archbishop of Canterbury has been his failure to admit that he was wrong in condemning the... Articles
At the top of the greasy pole - Disraeli's first premiership, February to December 1868 3rd April 2021 On 25 February 1868, Mary Anne Disraeli, whose adoration of her husband knew no bounds, wrote excitedly to her friend, Lady Charlotte de Rothschild: ‘By the... Articles
Sex and politics in inter-war Britain 23rd March 2021 Henry Channon, always called Chips Channon (though no one knows why), was one of the 20th century’s greatest diarists—some say the greatest of all. A heavily... Articles
A disastrous protocol 12th March 2021 The Northern Ireland Protocol, agreed between the Government and the EU, came into force on 1 January. It keeps Northern Ireland in the EU single market for... Articles
Archie Mountbatten-Windsor 10th March 2021 Would he now be Prince Archie if disgraceful people at the Palace had not deprived him of his birthright? That was the impression that the Duchess of Sussex... Articles
BLM's anti-Churchill rant 8th March 2021 The following letter was published in The Daily Telegraph on March 6. The conference in question took place in early February, and drew a strong protest from... Articles
A Minister for the Union 21st February 2021 The publication of an important report on the future of the Union has been put off for far too long by the government. Meanwhile, the case for creating a... Articles
Churchill and the abuse of history 13th February 2021 On February 12, The Times reported that at a conference at Churchill College, Cambridge, named in honour of Sir Winston, one speaker had described him as “a... Articles